Explore. Dream. Discover.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

THE TOUR: Day 11 - Etosha National Park

Our Etosha adventure continued the next day. The morning was devoted to a game drive again, but not a good one as we didn't see much. However, it was not boring as one of the annoying German ladies broke her head. Not that I would wish her anything bad, I did feel sorry for her when she fell down and hit her head and all that. But... When you are about 28 years old and a soon-to-be teacher, you shouldn't get hysterical so easily, I believe. My 4-year-old niece coulde handle her accident so much better when she broke her head (being 2... getting 2 stitches...). So my compassion soon turned into anger as she was crying and sobbing as if somebody was dying (and of course, she didn't even need any stitches as it wasn't serious at all); later my anger turned into amusement when she had a bandage on her head for the next three days... :)
Around noon, we entered another Etosha campsite which was the nicest one out of the three we visited. Unfortunately, we didn't stay there, we just had brunch there and relaxed for a while. We went to see the waterhole and were kinda lucky as there were 15 elephants refreshing themselves! With babies too! :)
Hmm, the day wasn't very eventful... We bought Magnums with Jill at that campsite and they were all melted so we went to get new ones... Not really an intersting story, I know. :)
The afternoon - another game drive, no lions again... We got to another campsite called Namutoni, which was the worst Etosha campsite we had seen and I don't think we even visited the waterhole there.
We had dinner, talked a bit, Jirka broke an electric socket :), jackals visited somebody's tent... And good night :)

PS: Pictures will come later :)


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