Explore. Dream. Discover.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Back home...

Hi everyone, if there is someone who is still reading this after such a long break :). I'm back home and I decided to switch to English because now I can TALK to the people who speak Czech only and who are interested :).

So I'm back home... What does that mean? It means never again having my own bathroom as in Concordia :), never sharing an apartment with the girls I shared it with, no more Afrikaans, no more driving on the left side of the road (and yes - it still seems weird to me that people here drive on the right side :)), no more Kayamandi, no more... being in Africa, that amazing continent. And so much more.

But it also means being with my family again, my nieces, speaking Czech (in which I kinda suck right now :)), being home. You know - East or West, home is best; and despite the fact that a short while after I was back in the Czech Republic, I realized there are things that I really don't like (seriously, why do people look at you as if you were crazy when you're walking barefoot in a city, but it seems ok to some really fat men to walk around topless? :) ... And also - being back in my hometown and listening to the people on the streets sometimes makes me laugh :)), I love this country and it's simply my home (also - there is nothing such as a perfect country and who saw "Samotari" knows that all countries suck :)).

Well, just to prevent myself from being sentimental, I'm just gonna tell you what's gonna happen here. I was travelling in Africa for more than one month. And that's a lot. So give me some time and sooner or later, you'll find many new posts here, describing day by day where we were, what we were doing there and stuff like that, including some pictures.

And then... It seems it'll never stop... Although I'm starting to hate airports, although I can't sleep in (on? :)) planes, although there are no free pages in my passport as they are all filled with stamps and stickers :), I made this big decision: Today, I bought a plane ticket to Pittsburgh. So next year, in February, you'll see me there. :) Am I happy about that? Not really... But it's hard to say. Simply - I still haven't found a way to be with all the people I love at the same time. It's either with some, or others, or nobody... But if you know about a good way how to deal with this, let me know, please! :)

And take care, everyone!


o said...

AHoj Baru ja byla pryc jen dva mesice a pul a taky mi to z pusy nejde...jsem zvedava, az si o tom popovidame...:)Jak se to manifestovalo u tebe.,.uz tahle veta zni desne cesky co:)

Baryka said...

Hehe, ahoj. :) Já už jsem se s tím asi nějak vyrovnala, ale některé věci je prostě lehčí vyjádřit v angličtině. Tak jsem se konečně dostala na Tvůj blog! A škoda, že jsem ještě nezačala nic dělat s tou svou francouzštinou... :)

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