Explore. Dream. Discover.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

THE TOUR: Day 2 - Orange/Gariep River and "Ek kry coud" :)

Our first night in the tent was freezing. There is no adverb that would appropriately describe how much it was freezing. I'll just tell you this: I didn't sleep all night (well, I guess I fell asleep a couple of times as I had nightmares :)) and then, in the morning, my feet were numb for about two more hours...

The goal of the day was to get to the Fiddlers Creek Camp which was just next to the Orange/Gariep River (I believe one of the names is South African and one is Namibian). The river is also the border between Namibia and South Africa. But first we stopped at Springbok where all of us bought warm (and cheap) blankets. That shop must have earned a lot of money from selling those blankets as it seems that every (winter) Nomad tour stops there.

The way to Fiddlers Creek Camp was interesting. There was nothing for hours as we were going through the north of South Africa. Wonderful!

Well, not much more really happened. We got to the camp (being still on the South African bank of the river) and it was so cool! It was one of the best camps we stayed at! It had very nice showers and just the nature around and everything was so beautiful that Jill never wanted to leave. :) For the rest of the day, we just relaxed by the river and enjoyed the scenery...

Later in the evening, we were trying to socialize around the campfire (well, I think we stayed there mainly because it was so nice and warm there and we were afraid that it would be freezing again inside the tents :)). But it was funny. And I still wasn't able to remember all the names. Two days isn't enough for a person with the kind of brain I have. :)

PS: This is off-topic but some of you might want to know... Daisy - my dog - seems to be recovering well after the surgery. But we still have to go to the vet tomorrow (we've been there every single day since last Saturday, except for Sunday as there was nobody there then). She's still tired and probably sore but hopefully she's gonna be fine. I know you like to hear that. :)


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