Explore. Dream. Discover.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Going to the forest, taking our dog...

It was Saturday and my dad wanted to go to the forest to see if we can find some mushrooms. So we went. But I insisted on taking our dog Daisy (Siberian Husky). So we did. It was me, my dad, my nieces and the dog. She's been very lazy lately and I think she just need some exercise. Anyway, we got there, she was running around and everything was fine. Until we got to the forest - the way there is up and up and up... She ran up and then disappeared suddenly. We didn't know where she went and at the end, the result was this: we didn't find too many mushrooms and we lost one dog...
Well, we decided to go back to the car first and then go to look for her. When we were getting closer to the car, she was running to greet us - she spent all the time, probably sleeping, in front of the car and waiting for us...
And thus we know that our dog is very very lazy, but at least she isn't stupid. :) And we actually found some mushrooms and had great mushroom soup. :)

PS: I know I promised some stories from the Tour. And I'll do it! I'm just struggling with putting photos on DVD so that people can actually watch them. If you know about a good programme to do that, let me know. :) Seriously - have you ever tried to watch hundreds of photos in one evening? Nobody can survive that. I need to divide them in chapters or something, but at the same time, I want them to be on one DVD. But the Tour will come soon!


o said...

Mushroom-picking is the best. I missed out on that, next year! Mushroom soup! Oh my. I dont know if truffle picking would feel the same. Nothing beats the good old "babkas"..:)

o said...

Yes I actually came to see how the African tour went. So???I am super curious....There are some keen readers out there....:)

Baryka said...

I think you can still try mushroom-picking, but I§m not an expert. :)

And I know I suck and thus I promise - I'm going to post the Day 1 of the Tour here tonight! I already managed to put my photos on a dvd, actually two as there are more than 1000 photos only from the last month in Africa!!! And yes, I spent hours looking for a good programme in which I could do that. I found it, eventually - it was in my laptop since I bought it! Well, it seems I know how to save time, haha :) Tonight, you can check this :)

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