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Friday, January 18, 2008

You have a "twin" somewhere out there...

I don't mean a real twin, although some people might have one without knowing about it. I mean a person that looks so much like you. I'm not saying that I have met somebody who looked exactly like me. But from time to time, I see people who I think I know. I guess the first time I realized this was in Stellenbosch. After some time, when I knew enough people there and was able to analyze the familiar faces from those I had never seen before, I started to see "new" familiar faces. Faces I know from the Czech Republic. Weird, eh? I know... But really, for example, I'd be walking somewhere, see somebody and think "hey, there' XY!" and then "wait... it isn't her... you're in Africa now, what would she be doing here?". But really - that person would look exactly like somebody I'd seen before.
Why am I writing this? On Wednesday, I went to the library and guess who I saw! Well, of course, you couldn't tell as even I don't know the person. But when I entered I was pretty sure I saw Dave, a guy who lived in Concordie, who spent a semester in Stellenbosch when I was there... It wasn't him, of course, he's from the US, not Brno. :) But still... I thought it's funny.

Will I ever meet my "twin"? Somebody I'd look at and think that I'm looking into a mirror? We'll see... I guess I have to check out all the continents first, haha :) But if I do, I'll inform you about it. Since I'm writing about this, which is nothing amazing, I think you'd appreciate the breathtaking story of me meeting my other me. :)


Anonymous said...

Barca I thought I told you - there was one girl in my class that really reminded me of you VERY MUCH. Not a twin though.

Anonymous said...

oh yes and two people in the US told me, one 2.5 years ago and one two weeks ago that I look like Maria Sharapova. Guess who I am:)))))))
Oh yes,also I presumably sound as Heidi Klum. Well, if I cannot look like her, sounding so simple really is not that much flattering:)))))

fafner said...

Haha, thanks for listing my blog. And to answer the question posed by the link: yes, yes, I will.

Also, I know what you mean about the twin thing. Just about everyone I meet now reminds me of someone I've met before. I've decided there are only so many faces in the world and they just keep being recycled.

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