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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My American friends and a village/church ball in Otaslavice :)

I promised... So I'll try to write something about the ball that took place on January 5th, in Otaslavice, a small village where my boyfriend's parents live. We went there to show Susan and Jonathan the village ball culture. I must say it was new to me too, as I had never been to a village ball before. Not even a church one. :) Well, the fact that it was a village ball didn't really make it any different as I didn't know anyone there anyway. The fact that it was a church ball made it a little different as the local priest had a speech in the beginning, they also sang a Christmas, Christian, carol (which I found very funny as it was sung by the band that was playing there for the rest of the night and the singer was singing it as if it was the best pop song ever :)))... and the raffle included gifts such as a picture of Jesus Christ and so on... I didn't win anything, but if I had won that one, I would have definitely sent it to Jill. :)

So... Susan, Jonathan, Jirka, Radka - Jirka's sister, me and Jirka's parents, we all shared one table and drank Becherovka together. :) We didn't dance much... But I think we all had fun. Susan won a fitness ball which was the biggest surprise of the evening. :) Oh, and we showed "Slavnosti snezenek", a Czech movie which doesn't make any sense to me, to Jonathan and Susan, who, I guess, were a little scared as we told them they must see it before we go to the ball... :)

Hmm, and I don't know what else to add... Susan, help! :)


fafner said...

Really winning that exercise ball was the highlight (both of the ball and of my life). I still need to find something to blow it up with though.

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