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Friday, November 23, 2007

Post for Jill (and others who don't speak Czech :))

Dear Jill, I owe you an explanation (countable or uncountable? :). The post that was in Czech only - this one - is about a project organized by one Czech radio. I know your Czech is absolutely fluent now :) but in case...
It's a Christmas project - kids without parents, i.e. kids from the children homes, or how they're called in English, write a letter (not to Santa Claus, as you know we don't believe in him, to us, probably the most atheist nation in the world, Little Jesus (Ježíšek) brings Christmas gifts :) That's wonderful irony, isn't it? Does that mean that God likes us more because we don't make so much fuss about him/her :)) haha... ok, that was enough for the Czech Christmas intro :)) and then their wishes (the kids' wishes, if you already got lost in this huge amount of words :)) are posted on the radio website. You can register there, choose a child based on whatever criteria you prefer (name, age, gift, disability), buy the gift the child wants, send it to the radio and the kids will actually get them for Christmas. I like the idea a lot so I put it on my blog so that more people would join it. I already did. It makes me believe, at least for a little while, that I'm not such a bad person (and believe me I need it, especially after my two days at school, when I think I'm a complete idiot, I can at least think "well, I might be an idiot, but at least I'm not a bad person :)). So that's it... I don't want to discriminate you, my dear native speakers of English language who haven't had time to learn the wonderful language from Central Europe - Czech :))

Have a nice pre-Christmas time! :)

PS: We can actually make a little Czech language blog course, haha. :)


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