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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A lecture on Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies... Who'd think it's so much fun?

I am not going to write anything here, just put a link to my freind's (and fellow student :)) blog... HERE

Or maybe... My motto for today is

"You aren't in love. You're in love with the idea of being in love."

And then...

"that's why we get so angry when our object [read: the one we think we love] sleeps with somebody else. Because it's our toy! And that other person is playing with my toy!"

Seriously, aren't you jealous that I could be at such a lecture? :)

And in case you don't get to read the comment on the above-mentioned blog:

"Can you imagine how dangerous it would be if there were more terms for love?"

"A person screaming I hate gays, I hate gays, I hate gays... obviously has issues."

Oh well... And it so much fits my current state of mind.


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