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Thursday, October 18, 2007

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

October 17 was declared the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty by the UN General Assembly. That was yesterday. I didn't know that until I heard somebody saying that on TV. They also said this: there is one billion of people living on less than 1$ a day. Every 3 seconds somewhere in the world a child dies from malnutrition. Which means that from the time you started reading this very short post until now, approximately 6 children died. They also said that the world (meaning probably the so-called West) is able to do something with it. But nothing is really happening.
Why do I write this here? Just to remind you, and myself, that the places where we live (and as far as I know, people who read this are either Czech or American... am I wrong?) could be called the world paradise. So if you can't do anything else to make the world better, just be aware of this fact - your life is probably much much easier (or at least more comfortable) than life of majority of the world population. Be aware of it and, if just for today, smile at everyone the whole day (even at people who don't smile back) as you have a reason to be happy. Or if not happy, at least content... Have a nice day, my rich friends!

PS: And I'm not saying you can't have problems. Everyone can and everyone's problems are relevant for that particular person. And that's all alright. But honestly - don't you think, sometimes, that we are concerned about things that aren't really that serious when there are people watching their kids die without being able to help them? Just because they were born at "a wrong place"?


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