Explore. Dream. Discover.

I have no idea what happened. Last week, I was writing here how much I was not looking forward to school but I had no idea how hectic and crazy it would be! So I'm officially in the second week of the semester, only one class of the week left for tomorrow, then I'm done. The school hasn't been bad, I'm actually looking forward to some classes, they'll be fun and interesting, I think. I think I'm also done with changing my schedule. I know I'm going to have a LOT to do during the semester, most of the classes have several requirements so when somebody tells me how much more work students have, say, in the US, compared to the Czech Republic - my programmes are not the case... But I don't mind, I prefer more work during the semester and less work during the exam period. People are changing and so am I - I wouldn't have said that some three years ago, I enjoyed doing nothing and didn't mind much learning everything during the night before the exam. :)
Anyway, things around are making evrything complicated... The internship, or better - the fact that I never hear from them when they're supposed to call/e-mail is one thing. Another is paying for school. Yes - we have university education for free, but only under certain conditions. The truth is I always learn these conditions when it's too late. This means another thing I have to take care of and that makes me tired and stressed because it isn't easy. I'll manage, though, I know that. And I'll buy the red hat I liked in the store today... Well, I do that sometimes, too - buying something just because I'm sad/tired/stressed (pick any negtive feeling :)). I just didn't know if I should go for the red one or the beige one. Tomorrow, I'll get one! And do everything I have to do.
I believe that you all know this feeling so you'll forgive me this post.
nothing seems to be easy these days:))) at least some classes seem interesting!!!!!!!!! And looking forward to seeing your tights!!!!!
Back to my lesson preparation:(
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