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If you look at this map, what do you see? I know... Europe... :) But does the Czech Republic seem to be an East European country? I don't think so... (does it say Czechoslovakia somewhere in the map? :)) I probably know where all this comes from. The Cold War. Europe was divided into the Eastern and the Western bloc (as the whole world was) and we were obviously in the Eastern one. It didn't have much to do with geography, it was rather a political concept. But we moved on. The whole world moved on. The Cold War is over and there is no need for political divisons of this kind, right? (Well, now it's more like the EU and the rest of Europe).
I promise that's all I'm going to say on this topic :) (well, probably until somebody asks me again if I can teach them Russian... :)). Just have a look at what Linda says
here. I totally agree with her. :)
yeah..the world is not black and white and you have more choices than going east or west:))))))
I think that what I did in my profile is probably the biggest contribution I can make at the moment:)))))))
Barca! this is actually a great approach...the next time someone asks me, I am not going to look slightly annoyed and I won't retork (retorquer, to lazy to check if it exists in En:) that CZ is INDEED in Central Eur.
Instead, I will put on a MYSTERIOUS SMILE and I will say with an enigmatic tone:" Huuum...let's see. Picture a map. Where do you see the Czech Republic..?"
Haha, also, my friend just told me yesterday that it works well when you say that you are from Europe with a superior look in your face. Then, people don't think that you're from the East and something less... I haven't tried it yet so I don't know if it really works. :) I think we should just carry a map of Europe with us all the time and use evidence instead of words. :)))
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