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Thursday, November 08, 2007

And so it seems I got the visa

Well, if you think I should be sure by now, you're right. I had the appointment at the embassy today and therefore I know. The guy said: "You're going to get the visa next week." He meant: "You're going to get your passport with the visa issued next week." :) I'm just kidding. The appointment was funny. I was there earlier but still had to wait for longer than I liked. First, you have to go to a desk number 1 or 2, where you give them the form, your passport etc. Then finger prints. Then finger prints again, but finally, already, you wouldn't believe it was going to happen :), you get to talk to the consular, the god-like creature who decides about your future (exaggerating, of course :)).
The consular was not Czech, so I guess he was American, right? (I really don't know what you have to be to work as a consular at the US embassy.) He spoke Czech, but not 100% so I couldn't understand him sometimes. Our conversation was thus very funny as we were both talking about different things. I know, I could have started in English to make it easier for him, but I decided not to as I don't agree with the US visa policy towards the Czech citizens. :) That's how brave I am. :)
To be honest, I was quite sure I'd get the visa because they wouldn't have any reason not to give it to me. But you never know when the policy is "I like you, you get it, I don't like you, you don't get it". And actually when he was asking me for the third time the same question and started to look very suspicious, I didn't know what to think.

To sum it up: I'm gonna receive my passport with the visa next week. It actually seemed to me that he was so desperate and tired from talking to me, when we didn't understand what the other one was saying, that he decided to get rid of me by giving me the visa. :) And that's my US embassy experience.


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