Explore. Dream. Discover.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

in memory of Daisy...

Well, I wouldn't do that but under the circumstances... It'd be Daisy's name-day today (you know, my foreign friends, what it is, right? I told you :)). So I'm thinking of her...
But I don't want to bother you with my sadness or anything so I'll tell you something about dealing with losses in life from Markétka's point of view (for those who don't know, Markétka is the younger of my nieces).
Last Friday, I went to pre-school with her, while Lucka went to my grandma's because she was ill. My grandma is a person who doesn't know much about being tactful... So, Friday morning and she begins - "I didn't know you don't have Daisy anymore" and things like that. In front of the girls. Friday morning... It isn't that we didn't want to tell them, we just didn't think it was necessary to tell them immediately.
We went to the pre-school and Markétka asked me "Daisy is in the hospital, right?" So I explained to her that she is not, that she was too ill and that she died. And now, she is sleeping buried in the garden.
Markétka said: "Is she under the earth?"
I said yes...
She said: "But I don't know where, you have to show me."
I said ok... And then I said "Do you miss Daisy?"
The answer was: "No. Why? She's going to be with us in the garden all the time."

So you see. On Friday, I was still too much concerned about my sadness and I still didn't know how to cope with all that happened. But then Markétka made it so clear. I know, she isn't even 4 years old. But I really admire her attitude towards life. Her "I'm not good at it, but it's ok because I like it." Children are so smart, aren't they? Children (and dogs) can always make you smile. :)

PS: Well, Markétka asked me yesterday if Daisy can go for a walk with us... These are the moments when I really don't know what to say... But then, she said that "Daisy's place is nice because I put some flowers there." And asked me if Daisy was going to be dead forever... Do you smile at that or do you think it's sad? I don't know. I miss Daisy. But I think that if Markétka will be like that, she'll have a good life :).
PS2: The next post is going to be about the Tour again. I know you're all interested in what happened next. And I can hide my feelings for some time. :)


o said...

I like her perspective. It seems very wise to me. I wonder what causes the change. you have to remind yourself she had a happy dog life! And that you are lucky to have been with her. I am sure this does not help though...

Barbora said...

Thank you. I actually think I'm in the stage already when it helps... You're right. And so is Marketka.

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