Explore. Dream. Discover.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Masaryk University ad

This is my university. I guess that if I weren't here already for a.... some time, I'd think it's the best place to be. But 
well, of course, Brno is the place to be. :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How does Karma work?

Yesterday, I went to Brno. I took the last train which leaves at 21:25. There were almost no people at the train station and when I went outside, it was only me and one other guy. He seemed to be waiting for someone, or looking for someone, I didn't pay much attention to him. Until he was passing me with a locked bike. Well, clearly, I thought that there was something weird about it. I looked at him and all I could think of was: "Hey, that bike's not yours, right?" So I said it. He said it was his, but didn't look very comfortable about me being there. Well, I was never in such a situation, so I didn't know if I should call the police or what, also my train was coming and it was the last train and I needed to catch it. 
The best thing I could think of was to watch him so that he notices I'm watching him. He did notice. Then I took my cellphone and was going to call the police, but then the train arrived which meant I wouldn't be able to hear anything and had to go. Anyway, I was still standing there, pretending like I'm on the phone and watched the guy, who got scared, I guess, put the bike down, and ran away. 
On the train, I didn't know if it still makes sense to call the police, so I discussed it with my brother who should know and who told me they probably can't do anything anymore since neither me nor the guy are there... I called them anyway, just to have clear conscience. So that I could sleep well.  :)

And now tell me - how does the damn Karma that everybody is talking about work? Am I going to get the scholarship for all that I've been through? :))) Oh well, I guess a good night sleep is good enough for the beginning. :)

Good night!

PS: Tomorrow's (or simply the next story) is going to be about my flatmate to whome I decided to devote one chapter in my book (that I'm going to write). Oh people, people, I love (well, what else can I do...) how you're filling the pages already! :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Is that it, my friend?

Is that it, my friend?
The end of it all?
Did you wait till I break?
Did you wait till I fall?
I long to be with you
I long to be free

Monday, January 19, 2009

What this night is for

Well, everytime I find a new Damien Rice song, I love it. And since it's time-taking to look for the songs again and again, I decided to post them here so that when I want to listen to them, they're all at one place. :)

This video is almost completely dark, but it doesn't matter because it makes you focus on the lyrics more. Enjoy, once again.

Oh and we’ve never been in this place before
No, not as it is right now
And we may never know what this night is for
So for now we'll just sit around

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cross-eyed bear

If you push me, I'll fall,
and if you pull me, I'll drown,
and if you're gonna be nailing me down,
I won't rise again.

The professor

Lisa and Damien once again perfect.

I walk away 'cause I can
too many options may just kill a man.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I miss you, but I haven't met you yet...

So only now I understood Linda's comment on my previous post with "I miss you" - I had no idea they changed the song to that video! So here comes Bjork again, with her song I miss you with great great great lyrics. :) This time I'm posting the original video although I don't like it much. But you get the song, finally. :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

He finally did it!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

God's on Facebook - part II

God's on Facebook... As I say - FB is evil :)

Friday, January 09, 2009


It isn't a very good video but I like the song and haven't found a better one.

I think you'd break it
so much beyond repair

I've overspoken, 
said all that I can say [more than I should say...]

I know I could kneel and cry
I know I could show you how I died
but what good would it do
give the world another fool?

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Damien again... Cheers Darlin'!

He's also a brilliant actor...

here's to you and your lover .... *

and I die when you mention...

*original: boy... something else came to my mind, though... it rhymes :)

So that it is not just Damien...

here's Regina Spektor - Ode to Divorce

I know what it tastes like...

Places I've been through, travelled through, live at...
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