While looking for HIV/AIDS commercials for one of my classes, I got to this. I had seen it before, at the Adeaters festival last year. And it still make me want to cry...
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
1968 Soviet occupation in Czechoslovakia - When Russians came to "save our freedom"
Tomáš Klus - Malčik
This song - its lyrics - always gives me the willies... And even more when I know that the guy who wrote it is my age. Non-Czech speakers, I'm sorry for a song in Czech. :) It's soundtrack to a new Czech movie about 1968.
The vice-president does it all! and so on... :)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I agree with them.... diagree with you....
What was I saying? Aaah, it doesn't matter because you're the most God-loving, the most patriotic... you're the best and I don't know what I'm doing here. :)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Southern Moravia in August
On the first day, we arrived, went for lunch and then decided to go for a shorter bike ride. We went from Hrušovany to Jevišovka, Drnholec... then something went wrong and we ended up in Litobratřice (I actually don't remember anymore where we had been going originally :)), then Břežany (and its wind power plant), Pravice and back to Hrušovany (the route's map is HERE). It was easy and short (32 kilometres). Then we went for dinner and had some wine from the hotel's wine cellar and started planning our next trip...
Day 2... By the end of the day, I was really surprised that I can still walk. We did almost 99 kilometres, which is a loooot when you realize that either of us hadn't biked for quite some time. It was a great trip, though. We biked through the Lednicko-Valtický areál and everyone who's been there knows how beautiful it's there. It took us some 5,5 hours. And it was worth it! The weather was really good, too, not too hot, but sunny so we enjoyed it as much as we could.
The route

In the evening, we went for dinner with some friends and then were looking forward to bed after such a long bike ride. :)

On day three we were going for a shorter ride. And we ended up with doing 76 kilometres. Oh well, that's what happens when you plan something carefully. :) It wasn't as good as Lednice-Valtice but it was good as well. It was a little warmer, we might have been a little tired, too. We learnt about a specific Nové Mlýny group that we had had know idea it exists. Nové Mlýny fishermen. Sitting in their tents with friends and beers, it seemed they don't really care about the fish. Some of them, however, thought that they were so funny that they had to comment on every biking girl who passed them. They weren't funny.
Anyway, we biked around the whole Nové Mlýny reservoir, didn't go to Dívčí hrady (because you can't get there on bike and it was pretty steep... :))
We made it back to Hrušovany (after going through Drnholec, Brod nad Dyjí, Pasohlávky, Strachotín, Nové Mlýny, Milovice, Pavlov and Dolní Věstonice) - the route is HERE - and relaxed... What else do you think we should be doing? :)
Day four was the day when we had to leave. I would have loved it to stay but we couldn't. We got on the train again and went all the way to Olomouc where Jirka met Honza and left with him and I - not having enough of biking - decided to bike from Olomouc to Prostějov. That was pretty easy. :)
And why am I writing about this? Because photos are coming soon! :)
Photos: From Pittsburgh to San Francisco, the last stop - San Francisco, California
The final stop - San Francisco, one of my favourite cities. Hiking with Sam, walking around, not giving my phone number to strangers. That's what San Fran means to me. :)
Photos from my San Fran wandering are HERE.
Photos: From Pittsburgh to San Francisco - California Zephyr
And then we spent hours on the train. Amtrak doesn't rule but it was better than I had expected. No delay... Which would be great if the train had done through all the places it was supposed to... So we saw nothing instead of the "most scenic train ride". But we got to San Francisco and that was the point.
More photos HERE.
Photos: From Pittsburgh to San Francisco, stop #5 - Denver, Colorado
Our next stop on the way to the West of the US was Denver. We saw dinosaurs' footprints, stayed at a pretty clean backpackers, missed the REM concert in the Red Rocks and walked around the town. Photos can be seen HERE.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Photos: From Pittsburgh to San Francisco, stop #4 - Boulder, Colorado
Biking, hiking, walking around Boulder, that was the stop number 4. We enjoyed it, but I had probably expected something more. It was beautiful, though!.
Photos HERE.
Photos: From Pittsburgh to San Francisco, stop #3 - Omaha, Nebrasca
Our third stop was Omaha, Nebrasca.. We didn't stay there for long (fortunately :)) and it was probably the least favourite stop, probably partially due to the bad weather. More photos (but not many :)) are HERE.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Photos: From Pittsburgh to San Francisco, stop #2 - Chicago, Illinois
After we left Jill, we made it to Chicago. Chicago is an amazing place and we had lots of fun there. If you want to see what we did in Chicago, click HERE.
Photos: From Pittsburgh to San Francisco, stop #1 - Cleveland, Ohio
The first stop was Cleveland and it was lots of fun as you can see from the photos HERE.
As promised - my new apartment
I really live here! And I really like my new apartment, it's an amazing place. It's nice, original, and (probably most important) my flatmate is a really nice person. More photos are HERE.
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